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John Adewumi
Corona, Californa 92879
+1(840)-209-7650 | johndewumi63@gmail.com| linkedlin


I am a Cloud Engineer with experience in Cloud Services. Resilient, focused, and passionate professional, seeking to use my professional knowledge and experience in helping to transform clients' IT infrastructure, operations and applications into the most innovative, scalable, highly available, secured, fault tolerant systems and also cost effective on cloud platform.

Professional Skill Summary


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AWS Cloud Engineer

(Sept 2020 –Present)

Kored Consult, NY

Cloud Engineer (Consultant)

(April 2018 – Sept 2020)

SaidaTech, NY

AWS Solutions Architect

(May 2017 – Mar 2018)

Emtec Inc, NY

Cloud Solution Support

(Sep 2016 – Apr 2017)

Thanos Consulting, TX

Data Analyst

(Jan 2015 – July 2016)

Huawei Technologies Company NIG LTD, Enugu, Nigeria.

Data Reporting/Credit Risk

(Dec 2012– Jan 2015)

Zenith Bank Plc, Lagos Nigeria.
